Students Elect Richie in Rich Township
After two months of campaigning, the election results are in and our Rich Township High School mascot now has a name.
Meet Richie the Raptor.
On Monday, November 7th, 266 Rich Township students cast their vote in the election. Only 20 votes separated the top two candidates, Richie and Rocky.
113 students (42.5%) voted for Richie and 93 students (35%) voted for Rocky. Additionally, 37 votes were cast for Roary and 23 votes cast for Rowdy.
Temiloluwa Saliu, a sophomore at the STEM campus, says, “I voted for Richie because I thought it was a catchy name! I’m glad Richie won!”
Dr. Kolkman, our Assistant Principal for Activities and Athletics, who helped run the campaign and put together hype videos, responded, “In the end, all students learned about the democratic process. We had approximately 11% voter turnout. Those who chose to vote made their voice heard and now we have a mascot who will be known as Richie the Raptor.”
Our Rich Township Pep Club is also excited to officially welcome Richie to the team. Having a name chosen by the student body will certainly help promote the culture and a greater sense school pride we want here in Rich Township.