HTWM means what?

Pre-Advanced Placement course offered to sophomores

Olympia Fields – This year, many students have heard of or are taking a class called History and Thought of Western Man, or HTWM for short. Not a lot of kids know what this class is, or what it consists of.

In a simple definition it is, according to Mr. Jenicek, a current History and Thought teacher, “A pre-Advanced Placement class studying the Western hemisphere.”  This class is a combination of two classes; one class studies the history of the western hemisphere and the other studies the art.

Students who have been enrolled in the class for awhile have seem to have gotten used to the way this class works. Even one student explained how the class is easy, if students are hardworking and not lazy. But asking a regular student who doesn’t have HTWM says, “It does seem hard because it’s already intimidating. It’s a combination of two classes.”

“It’s definitely an adjustment, since the set up of the class is different and the expectations are different than their previous classes, but the students put in History and Thought are put there for a reason”, said another History and Thought teacher, Mr. Grimaldi.