Homecoming Week 2021

Homecoming Week 2021 is upon us! After two weeks away, our return to in-person coincides with Spirit Week leading into the football game and dance, on Saturday, October 23rd.
This week will look different than years past, starting with the fact there will be no pep rally on the Friday of Homecoming Week. Additionally, the football game will take place on Saturday rather than the usual Friday night under the lights. As far as the dance, which will take place at the STEM campus, there will be two separate dances to allow for social distancing. This year’s dance, sponsored by Student Council, “The Grand Gala,” will be the first Homecoming dance in over two years due to the pandemic. The early dance will be for freshmen and sophomores, while the later dance will be for upperclassmen. Those planning on attending both the game and the dance might find themselves crunched for time, especially those freshmen or sophomores, as their dance starts at 5 PM. The later dance will go from 8PM to 10PM.
Spirit Week will feature themes such as Pajama Day, Twin Day, Decade Day and Celebrity Day. Friday will be a “Rep Your Class” Day, where students will wear colors corresponding with their class. The Senior Class of 2022 will debut their new “fresh” class shirts.
The homecoming football game will take place at the brand new football stadium at the FAC Campus. The game(s) will begin with sophomores at 10:30AM and Varsity at 12:30PM. Homecoming Court will be announced at halftime along with a performance by the Pom and Marching Band. Be sure to come out this week and weekend to show your Raptor School Spirit!