Annual Black History Assembly a success

Students and staff give tribute to the past by showcasing talents

Brittany Kyles recites a poem for this years Black History Assembly.

Asia Lee

Brittany Kyles recites a poem for this year’s Black History Assembly.

On Thursday, February 27, 2014, Rich Central held the annual Black History Assembly. The assembly included poems, instrumentals, interpretive dances, and songs. Many students performed dedications to famous historical African Americans.

Sophomore Asia Lee performed a poem entitled “What is Black History?” This poem explained the right and wrong values of society.

Shortly after Asia finished her inspirational poem, Bessie Harris recited “The Black Child’s Pledge.”

Ayanna Lawson brought her musical crew to the stage and sang “Confetti” to the delight of the audience “It was amazing. She is really talented,” said sophomore Terra Jackson. “I love the way she sings. In my opinion, she was one of the best performances included in our assembly for Black History Month.”

As one of the final performers, Rayshun Smith created a tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela in the form of a rap. As Rayshun rapped about the struggles and triumphs of famous civil rights leaders throughout modern history, the crowd went up in a roar.